Catholic Blogs

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A Call to Prayer – Pray the Rosary

“A Call to Prayer” came to me earlier this morning.  As the day unfolded – another “call” came as well.  It was a “call” to write a blog and to write it “NOW!” 

I was taken aback for I had no plans to write nor post a blog. I had been having computer issues since last Friday. I thought I was in a “pause” mode and I was feeling very comfortable with that thought.  However, that moment did not last very long.  A “pause” was overruled by a comment made last night on one of my blogs. The post was written a year ago – in October of 2023 entitled – “Time not Wasted.” 

Hmmm…I thought – was the Holy Spirit telling me to be perseverant and forget the pause!  YES HE WAS!!!!

So let us journey on together through this posting and find out why “A Call to Prayer!”

An Urgent Supplication

Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, wrote the following a couple of days ago:

“The month of October is approaching, and with it the realization that for the past year the Holy Land, and not only, has been plunged into a vortex of violence and hatred never seen or experienced before.  The intensity and impact of the tragedies we have witnessed in the past 12 months have deeply lacerated our conscience and our sense of humanity.

With this “call to prayer” of the Cardinal – Pope Francis also added his own!

Pope Francis invited all Catholics to live “a day of prayer and fasting for peace in the world” this coming Monday, October 7th.

It is the Feast Day of the Holy Rosary and also the one year anniversary of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict flare up.

He also announced that he would visit the Basilica of St. Mary Major on Sunday, October 6th to pray the rosary for an end to the conflicts. He will be making an “urgent supplication” to the Virgin Mary for “the gift of peace.”

Called to Pray the Rosary

What do we do?  We say “yes – Mother!”  We grab our rosaries, too, not only on Monday, October 7th – the Feast of the Holy Rosary but for “all days!”

Listen to what Our Blessed Mother tells us in a message of June 12, 1986 in Medugorje:

Dear Children!  Today I call you to begin to pray the Rosary with a living faith.  That way I will be able to help you.  You, dear children wish to obtain graces, but you are not praying.  I am not able to help you because you do not want to get started.  

Dear children, I am calling you to pray the Rosary and that your Rosary be an obligation which you shall fulfill with joy.  That way you shall understand the reason I am with you this long.  I desire to teach you to pray.  Thank you for having responded to my call.”

A “call to prayer” is being addressed to us by Our Blessed Mother!  Will we listen to see that we can bring peace and change world situations with this simple prayer?  Yes!!!! It’s a simple prayer! It’s not a repetitive one.  It’s a “prayer of the heart” addressed to the Mother of God – if we but speak it and pray it with great love as if She is before us.  I had always envisioned having my Guardian Angel present the Blessed Mother with a rose for each Hail Mary – but now I see a “golden coin” being deposited in a bank account in Heaven as well for each bead!  Read on!!!

St. Gertrude and the Vision of the Golden Coins

I had never heard of this vision prior to reading about it earlier this morning. I found it so intriguing and compelling and had to share it! 

St. Gertrude the Great (1256-1301) was a Benedictine mystic, writer and intellectual.  She was a lover of both Jesus and His Mother. She had many special visions.  One of them that seems to be most famous speaks of St. Gertrude seeing Jesus in Heaven as follows:

” Saint Gertrude saw Jesus and in front of Him could be seen a tall pile of coins – “golden coins.”  They were shining, glimmering and glowing.  This pile of coins radiated extreme beauty.

St. Gertrude observed that Jesus was just then depositing another shiny glimmering golden coin on top of the pile of other coins.  This golden coin seemed to shine even more brilliantly than the rest.

Curious to say the least, St. Gertrude wondered why the golden coins,

why the big pile of coins and finally,

why the last one Jesus was depositing had a very special glimmer to it.

She asked Jesus why? 

His response was the following:

“My daughter, every time you pray a calm, fervent and loving Hail Mary to my Mother, I deposit a “golden coin” in the Treasury of Heaven for you.”

Can you imagine the deposits we can make in the “Treasury of Heaven” with just one rosary!  There are 53 “Hail Mary’s” – 53 “Golden Coins.”

If we pray calmly, slowly and fervently addressing Our Blessed Mother with “urgent supplications of love” don’t you think She will hear us?

As Fr. Ed Broom (writing about the Golden Coin vision in his blog) describes in his own words the following:

“strive to be multi-millionaires in the spiritual life –

you may not have a very rich bank account on earth,

but you can have an enormous bank account in Heaven!”

Just maybe – Our Lady can make a “withdrawal” from our own personal “treasuries of golden coins” and bring about the peace that we so urgently need if we just follow the Vision of St. Gertrude and Jesus.

We are praying for our children, our grandchildren and for all peoples throughout the world. We are in “dire times!”

Let us heed the call and waste not our time!  PRAY, PRAY, PRAY – PRAY THE ROSARY.


Wars Can Be Stopped

I would like to end this blog with the following message Our Blessed Mother gave in Medugorje on January 25, 2001:

“Dear Children,

Today, I call you to renew prayer and fasting with even greater enthusiasm until prayer becomes a joy for you. Little children, the one who prays is not afraid of the future and the one who fasts is not afraid of evil!

Once again, I repeat to you:

Only through prayer and fasting – also wars can be stopped – wars of your unbelief and fear for the future.  I am with you and am teaching you little children:

Your peace and hope are in God.

That is why draw closer to God and put Him in the first place in your life.  Thank you for having responded to my call.”

©2024 Anita Guariglia

Image of Golden Coins and Rosary – Anita Guariglia

Featured Image and All Other Images – Instagram/Pinterest

Messages of Medugorje –

Excerpts from Fr. Ed Broom/ July 3, 2018/ Saint Gertrude and the Golden Hail Mary

Pope Francis and Cardinal Pizzabella quoted words/ Zenit and Aleteia


4 Responses

  1. PRAISE GOD…for confirming to us that every heartfelt Hail Mary prayed has the power to bring us closer to peace and the glory of Heaven. What more do we need to know?
    Thank you, Anita, for responding to this vital call for praying the Rosary in this crucial battle of good vs evil in our country and the world today. This blog needs to be spread far and wide.

  2. Thank you Anita! YOUR blog great and beautiful support for the call to pray and Fast for peace on the feast of the Rosary 10/7, so embraced by our hearts in the Rosary group.

    1. Keep it going. . . every apparition throughout the world, Mother Mary tells us PRAY THE ROSARY FOR PEACE.
      Now more than ever! God Bless You and Your Rosary Group!

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