Depicted above is a very familiar scene from the famous movie (1939) – “The Wizard of Oz!” In this featured image, Dorothy and her friends – the “Tin Man,” the “Cowardly Lion,” and the “Scarecrow” are following the “yellow brick” road that leads to the Emerald City!
The Emerald City
What was in the Emerald City and why were they following that “yellow-brick road” one might ask! Well, let’s take a walk down “Memory Lane” to remember the “why!”
“The story begins with Dorothy as a young girl who lives in a one-room house in Kansas with her Uncle Henry and Aunt Em. The joy of her life is her dog Toto. A sudden cyclone strikes! By the time Dorothy catches Toto, she is unable to reach the storm cellar. They are still in the house when the cyclone carries it away for a long journey! When at last the house lands, Dorothy finds that she is in a beautiful land inhabited by very short, strangely dressed people.
The Witch of the North informs her that she is in the Land of the Munchkins. They are grateful to her for having killed the Wicked Witch of the East. The house landed on the witch – thus freeing them.
However – the sister of the Wicked Witch of the East – the Wicked Witch of the West suddenly appears!
Ruby Red Shoes
The Witch of the North gives Dorothy the ruby red shoes of the dead witch and advises her to go the City of Emeralds. Once there, she is to see the Great Wizard Oz who might help her return to Kansas. The witch sends Dorothy off along the “yellow brick road” with a magical kiss to protect her from harm.
On the long journey to the Emerald City, Dorothy and Toto are joined by the Scarecrow who wishes he had brains; the Tin Man who longs for a heart; and the Cowardly Lion who seeks courage. They face many trials along their route! However, they overcome them all! This happens because of the Scarecrow’s good sense, the Tin Man’s kindness, and the bravery of the Cowardly Lion.
At last they reach the Emerald City, where the Guardian of the Gates outfits them with green-lensed glasses and leads them to the Palace of Oz.
Oz tells them that no favors will be granted until the Wicked Witch of the West has been killed.”
Brick Strong
At this point of reading this blog, you are probably wondering why are we strolling down a “yellow brick” road with the “Wizard of Oz” characters from an old movie from 1939? Well, it relates to another road – one that might be less travelled but one that is being offered to us to embark on in the “here and now!”
And so the story begins about a week ago in my own personal life – on the Feast of St. Dominic – August 8th. I was traveling to meet a friend for Mass at a Church that is ministered and shepherded by Dominican Friars. While driving – a van changed lanes and got in front of my car. Beautifully written in script on the back doors were two words – “Brick Strong!” The words found a place in my heart immediately that I have been pondering over ever since. Hence this blog! Hence the here and now!
First, we all know what a “brick” is and how it is used for a building or paving material. However, if one were to advise you to be “brick strong,” what qualities would you need to have? Looking up this information, I found the following as a metaphor to these two words.
You are a good, strong person – your life is well structured, solid, stable and reliable.
Basically this is what I was thinking as I continued driving long after the van turned left onto another road. I would arrive at St. Barnabas and not even realize what I was to behold. I had never been to this Church before and it totally went over my head what building materials the Church had been constructed with!
The God Who Waits
Have you ever noticed that most Churches are “brick strong?” Did you ever wonder why?
The above picture of St. Barnabas is what I beheld the morning of August 8th! I didn’t even realize I was looking at a huge brick building as I parked in the lot across the street. Before me lay a “citadel” which means “a stronghold or a fortress in a commanding position!” Nothing could buffet this “brick strong” building! Nothing! Not even a cyclone that Dorothy experienced in Kansas!
As I entered through the front doors of the Church that morning, before me lay the marble path of a “Eucharistic Way” that led to the Altar where the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was to be celebrated on the Feast of St. Dominic. It was a blessing to see Jesus truly present in the Monstrance – seated upon the Altar – waiting to visit with each and every person who entered St. Barnabas that particular morning and each and every day.
Jesus Christ is truly “Present” within every Catholic Church. He’s in the Tabernacle! He’s on the Altar in the Monstrance! He’s in every “Communion Host” that is consecrated into “His True Body and Blood!” He feeds us! He strengthens us! He builds us up! He makes us “brick strong!” Most of all, He loves us tremendously!
The Eucharistic Way
Dorothy and her companions were not helped by the wizard! The yellow brick road led to nothingness! He was just an ordinary man blowing a smokescreen in their faces.
Isn’t that what we face in the present world? There are many wizards blowing smokescreens right now. We cannot listen to them! We need to follow Jesus and walk the “Eucharistic Way” with Him! We need to walk the “Way” and get others to walk the journey with us – with Jesus back to our Heavenly Home!
The “yellow brick road” was a fantasy – a make believe story that won the hearts of many when it was released and still viewed up to the present moment! The “yellow brick road” was a dead end when the “four companions” met up with Oz – the wizard.
We are told in Matthew’s Gospel of the Words of Jesus – Chapter 7:13-14 of the “Two Ways.”
“Enter by the narrow gate, since the road that leads to perdition is wide and spacious, and many take it; but it is a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
Jesus offers us that road! One that is built on firm rock where life’s storms cannot shake us. We need this road now more than ever!
The Heavenly Jerusalem
On Dorothy’s arrival back to Kansas, the following words spill out of her mouth; “Oh Auntie Em, there’s no place like home!
Absolutely, Dorothy! You stated the truth – there is no place like home! The Heavenly Jerusalem! Our Heavenly Home!
Revelation 21:1-4 is our “road map.” Let us heed these words!
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth had disappeared now, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the holy city, and the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, as beautiful as a bride all dressed for her husband. Then I heard a loud voice call from the throne.
“You see this city?” Here God lives among men. He will make his home among them; they shall be his people, and He will be their God; His name is God-with-them. He will wipe away all tears from their eyes; there will be no more death, and no more mourning or sadness. The world of the past has gone.”
Take and Eat
Let us be “brick strong,” following the Eucharistic Way with complete trust in Jesus and maybe, just maybe – like the characters in The Wizard of Oz – rise to the occasion. We won’t need to click ruby red shoes together to get home! We just need our “Eucharistic Way!” Simply written – We need Jesus Christ and His True Presence – Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist. We need to take and eat and be nourished for each moment that we are here on pilgrimage. This is our “food for the journey.”
We will face many trials along the Eucharistic Way – but we have Jesus who leads and stays close to us – not a make believe wizard or any worldly characters. The Eternal City is our destination not the Emerald City.
God wants to spend eternity with us!
He wants to hear us say – “Father, there is no place like home – our Eternal Home!”
©2o24 Anita Guariglia
Photo Credits/ Pinterest/Pixabay/Instagram
St. Barnabas – Terri Lyons
Scripture taken from Jerusalem Bible
Background history on The Wizard of Oz – Wikipedia
6 Responses
Once again, Anita, you help us to “see.” I will never watch The Wizard of Oz with the same eyes…you’ve opened them up to see a much deeper reality. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is always present in the Holy Eucharist ready to come into our hearts and remain with us on our journey to our real home in Heaven. He is Love and Mercy far beyond anything we can imagine giving Himself to us in every Holy Communion. He is all we need. Let us run from all the false wizards in this world and keep our eyes on Jesus.
Thank you so much for “listening through your reading” to “See”……that’s what we all need right now! Listen to See – and See only Jesus
who is the Way, the Truth and the Life!
God Bless You, Anita
Anita, as always I find myself immersed in your rendition of the Wizard of Oz as if the screen was in front of me as I read your blog. I’m amazed at how you are able to connect the dots. Jesus always allow the signs of his love to open your eyes to his path to Glory. By sharing these insights you help open our eyes to his truth & salvation. Keep on trusting in the power of the Eucharist & follow your journey to serve him always. Never stop sharing your gift.
Thank you so much for sharing with me “your insight” and opening our eyes to “Truth.” We keep going onward and forward to the Eternal City – our Heavenly Home!
God Bless You, Anita
Excellent piece! Your thorough summary is much appreciated. I now see the issue from a different angle thanks to your insightful comments. You made your points quite clearly with the examples you included. You have my gratitude for penning this.
Grateful for your comment and stay with us here on Queen of Peace Media!
May God Bless You Abundantly for your openness.