Catholic Blogs

Writings to help you Find your way Home

Glory Be to the Father – to the Son – to the Holy Spirit

Glory be to the Father – to the Son and to the Holy Spirit!  A simple but mighty prayer that pours forth from our lips whenever we enter into prayer.

They pour forth when we make the Sign of the Cross – when we awake and when we end our day and in all the in-betweens.

This is exactly why I am sitting at my computer now and writing this blog prompted by the prayer of the Glory be to the Father – to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The Angelic Trisagion

I’ve been feeling a calling to pray the “Angelic Trisagion” as we began this New Year of 2025.  It is a prayer in honor of the Most Holy Trinity and is one of the most beautiful and ancient hymns in the Catholic Church.

“It is a garland of invocations and of praise taken from Holy Scripture and from the Liturgy which opens the heart to adoration, thanksgiving and love for the three Divine Persons.  It is a solemn echo of the “Holy, Holy, Holy,” which the angels and saints sing in Heaven!  It fills the universe and finds a joyful resonance in the heart of man:  one unceasing hymn of praise to the Holy Trinity.”  It’s also a call to pray for the 350 million Christians who suffer persecution around the world.

Opening Hearts to Prayer

As you can see in the above image, Christmas has not left our home – nor will it anytime soon!  The need to focus on the “Divine” and especially “The Holy Family” as we begin this New Year of Hope. . .elevates our souls and brings us to an “open door” of praise, worship and love. The “Trisagion” did just that for me last night and the blessings that poured forth immediately afterwards is what I would like to share with all of you.

Enter in Gabrielle and Jesus

I will never tire of bringing forth the messages of Jesus to the soul of Gabrielle in the book, “He and I.”  It’s truly a book of “doors” that opens one’s soul to the “heights of Heaven” and helps one understand the magnificent love of Jesus for all of us.  Jesus tells Gabrielle, “take care in setting down My words, so that what springs from My heart may be light and joy easy to capture.”  And so let us begin in light and joy!

Little Children

Sitting last night before an image of Jesus in prayer, I decided to open to a passage in “He and I.”  

The passage read:  August 29, 1940 – Holy Hour – 

“Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit present in me.”

Honestly, I was blown away.  I had literally just finished praying the Trisagion.

It seemed that Gabrielle and I were on the same page last night and so with heart and ears open – I proceeded to read on.  Jesus tells not only Gabrielle but each one of us whom He loves beyond our comprehension – the following:

“Even if you were to do nothing but repeat this wish for the whole hour, you would not have wasted your time, since not one of your prayers goes unheard.  If people only knew how attentive the Father is to the actions and words of His little children; for in fact many of them remind Him of His only Son toiling on earth.

The Holy Trinity is in each one of you, more or less according to the room that you allow It, for, as you know, God never forces anyone.  He asks and waits.  And when you are faithful, you are sure of the joy – I was going to say Celestial joy – that it gives Heaven.

Keep This Thought Always Before You

Keep this thought always before you;

It is when you are are living on earth that I enjoy you, My beloved faithful ones.

But in Heaven, it will be you who will enjoy Me.

My little children, consider My simplicity and how easy it is for you to please Me.  It means only doing everything that you do as well as you can for My love’s sake, in order to grow, to advance to go higher.  Hold out your two weak arms to me.  I’ll help you.  We’ll do the work together in unequal shares.  

It is for the Father to shoulder the heavier end of things.  And if the little child fixes his eyes lovingly on the Father’s eyes the painful task will seem so little.  A look of love. . .what power for you!  What joy for Me!  

A Look of Love


Anyone who loves Me has the right to see Me!

Even if you loved Me each day with a heroic love, it would be so little compared with the love you will have for me throughout all eternity.

Then love Me continually.  Tell Me about it and live your love-of-Me.  I’ll receive it day by day, new in your heart and ever new for Me.  

Do I ever grow weary of you?

His Prayer for Us

Last nite Jesus overwhelmed my heart with His amazing love. To repeat again the words written above – “If people only knew how attentive the Father is to the actions and words of His little children. . .

A mighty string of words to conquer not only our hearts but our minds.  A precious soul wrote once in a beautiful notecard to me –

three mighty words –

“Listen to See”

Let us all “listen to see” what Jesus is telling us through these beautiful words to Gabrielle.  They are not only for her!  They are for the world!

Honestly, I had no intention of writing a blog this Monday morning – January 27th, 2025, however,  I imagine the Blessed Trinity did.

Let us all ask for the grace we need to be “Attentive and Faithful” in our prayers to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Let us join our prayers with the Holy Angels and Saints – for that is where we are heading. . .to our Heavenly Home where we will be praising and glorifying the Trinity for Eternity.

To repeat again “mighty words of Jesus” – 

Keep this thought always before you;

It is when you are are living on earth that I enjoy you, My beloved faithful ones.

But in Heaven, it will be you who will enjoy Me.

Jesus instructs Gabrielle with the following words for us . . .

“Ask that through this little book,

I may come as I once came,


drawing people to Me.

What a triumph entry

into the 

silence of hearts!”




©2025 Anita Guariglia

Nativity Scene image – Anita Guariglia

All other images – Pinterest and Instagram

Quotes regarding “The Trisagion” from the Third Order of the Most Holy Trinity and of the Captives

Quote from “He and I” Gabrielle Bossis – August 29, 1940

One Response

  1. This blog is an outpouring of the love you received from God…Father, Son and Holy Spirit…to reach and enter our hearts. If we only knew how much our God loves us.
    Thank you for bringing our attention to the beautiful Trisagion prayer to move and open our hearts to praise the Most Blessed Trinity.

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