“Go and Do Your Part!” This “instruction” was given to St. Juan Diego on the early morning of December 9, 1531 as he was walking to the town of Tlatelolco in Mexico to receive Christian catechism lessons. On his way he “encountered” the Mother of God and was told the following:
She said, “Know this as true, my smallest child: I am the perfect ever-Virgin Mary, mother of the most true God through whom everything lives, the creator of persons, the master of closeness and proximity, the master of heaven and earth.”
She said it was her desire that a temple be built to glorify her Son. She asked him to go and tell this to the bishop of Mexico. “You have heard it, my little son, my strength, my word: Go and do your part.”
A Week of Roses
And so, St. Juan Diego did exactly what Our Blessed Mother asked of him. He went to meet the Bishop with a tilma filled with roses lovingly arranged by “his little girl.” There are no words in the English language or any other language to describe what must have touched the hearts and minds of those who beheld the “Miraculous” image unfold before them!
This past week, the Catholic Church has celebrated three major Feast Days. On Monday, December 9th – we not only celebrated the Feast Day of St. Juan Diego but also the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. On Thursday, December 12th – we celebrated the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
A triple header so to speak!
All within the Season of Advent and all arriving at the threshold of the Feast of Christmas – the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ! What a time! Yes, it was certainly a week of Roses that always seem to point to the Blessed Virgin Mary. What was the message being told to us?
Watching an EWTN movie last night on “Guadalupe,” the following words ended the show. “Go and Do Your Part!” That was the instruction St. Juan Diego was given as a “messenger” for Our Lady of Guadalupe. He didn’t feel himself worthy to go to the Bishop – yet Our Blessed Mother told this humble man – “I do not lack for servants or messengers!”
So Juan Diego became a messenger for the Mother of God. He followed through and Our Lady of Guadalupe transformed his tilma into a masterpiece that would last for ages. Can you imagine how this little peasant man felt beholding the image on his tilma.
But “what if” he hadn’t followed through and ignored the invitation? What if he ran down the mountain and escaped the gaze of Our Mother?
What If?
The above image is an “empty” creche that was set up this past Friday at Corpus Christi Church. Arriving early for Mass, I had “time” to settle down and prepare my heart to receive Jesus. My eyes were focused on the Tabernacle, however, they kept dropping down to the empty stable. I just stared at that “creche” without the Holy Family being present surrounded by the animals.
I thought to myself – “what if that stable had remained empty?”
What if the Blessed Virgin Mary never gave Her Fiat – but said “no” to the Angel Gabriel! There were a thousand “what-ifs” that came like rolling waves upon my mind and heart. That’s what poor St. Juan Diego must have felt like as he stood before “his little girl” and pondered all the other alternatives he could have succumbed to.
He didn’t think he was worthy to be a messenger and go and visit the Bishop with the “message!” He was only a poor Mexican peasant! However, our Holy Mother responds to his feelings of inadequacy in such a loving way! She responds in such a gentle way – yet a commanding way. Yes, She tells him,
“You have heard it, my little son, my strength, my word: Go and do your part.”
The Stage of the World
I remember attending a funeral Mass and hearing a beautiful homily. The priest spoke about this “world” being a “grand stage” and that we are all “actors” with a given part/mission. Sooner or later the sign comes for us to do a “stage exit left” and leave the part that we have played here. Before our departure from this “grand stage of life,” did we fulfill the script so to speak – or better said – “The Lord’s Will?”
“Go and Do Your Part” were certainly words that the Blessed Mother would act upon immediately after St. Gabriel left Her presence. It would be many, many parts that She would be invited into.
St. Joseph would be invited as well to “go and do your part!” We could never imagine how many times we toss it around in our minds of the torment and anguish he went through knowing Mary was pregnant. Yet, he said “Fiat” just as the Blessed Mother did. Our Father is the best “Director” we could possibly ever have.
St. Joseph said “fiat” to providing everything that Mary and Jesus would need to survive in this world – in this grand stage of life. St. Joseph’s challenges were tremendous. He had to find shelter first and foremost for the birth of his foster-son. He would have to flee in the middle of night to seek shelter from the slaughter of the innocents. He would need to work in a foreign country not knowing the language and yet he went to do “his part” willingly. There were so many “fiats” from both St. Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary for us to reflect upon.
Further meditating upon the Birth of Jesus, we can see how the humble shepherds in the field gave their “fiats” as well. They immediately followed the “star” to the “newborn King “ to worship and adore.
Going a little further into scripture – we can also reflect upon the Three Kings and how they travelled miles and miles to seek “Him” out and present their costly gifts to the little babe wrapped in swaddling clothes.
Today is Gaudete Sunday – it is a day of joy and rejoicing! We know that the birth of Jesus is fast approaching once again.
Are we ready? Are we ready to “go and do our part?”
Are we ready to do God’s Will on this grand stage of Life?
Or are we playing parts in this Advent Season that are worldly and far from where our “place” is to be?
Are we ready to do what it takes and go forward and onward as St. Juan Diego did?
The Cross and His Heart
You may wonder why would this image be included in this blog when we are pondering the birth of the Infant King?
It’s literally a “moving image” since Jesus is walking onward and forward – heart held in His loving Hands . . .but the Cross is pictured on His other side.
He came to die for us – to bring salvation to the world – and “His Love.”
The following reflection will help us to enter into the invitation being offered to us today – just 10 days before “His Birth.”
The Invitation
Many, many times within this blog I include passages from the well-known book, “He and I” – the words of Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis.
Let us ponder the words that Jesus speaks to Gabrielle on a December 24th, 1939:
“Oh yes, be full of joy. Do you know what the world was like before I came? There was God and there were men. Now God has become a man among men – one of you.
What love!
What potential oneness between you and Him! Do you really feel the difference? Than thank Me with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul, and be Mine more than ever.”
When peaceful silence lay over all,
and night had run the half of her swift course,
down from the heavens, from the royal throne, leapt your all-powerful Word.”
Wisdom 18:14-15
Christians of Today
“Christians of today!. . .Others have passed before you.
Still others will come after you, soul upon soul in the Father’s sight.
Christians of today! . . .
In your short time on earth,
give Me the utmost of your love for My glory.
Oh, may your period in the history of the world
be for my heart a golden age of abundant harvest”
©2024 Anita Guariglia
All images / Pinterest and Instagram
Wisdom Scripture/ Jerusalem Bible
He and I – Gabrielle Bossis/ Passage December 24-25, 1939
3 Responses
Thank you for giving us so much to ponder on what Jesus came to do, what Mary and Joseph did, what Juan Diego did and what we are called to do. The images posted are exceptionally beautiful. This is inspiration in this time of waiting for Jesus to come anew into our hearts for us to prepare our own rebirth of life in Him with hope and trust in His Will.
My dear Anita, your blog arrived just in time today. I was feeling so hurt by a comment someone said to me & pondering what is my purpose in this world of chaos. Being reminded that we all have a purpose, it is in service of our God & the Blessed Mother & To Do Our Part ! Availing ourselves to say yes, to listen to the inner voice & open our hearts to the need of others.
Yes, know dear Nicole that there will be comments especially when the work of the Lord is being accomplished. He told us that plainly in His words in Scripture.
Continue to “Do your Part” as beautifully as you do. . .always serving the Lord and His Mother. You will never go wrong. Listen to see! God Bless You Always!