Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy,
our life, our sweetness and our hope. – Salve Regina
I was skeptical when the image of the unscorched statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe was going viral. I never doubted that such a miracle could occur. I just questioned whether the image of the statue was actually amid the desolate ruins of the wildfires in southern California.
Then, Jackie and Peter Halpin of Altadena, on whose property the statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe withstood the Eaton inferno, were interviewed on Fox & Friends Weekend.
A California family’s unshaken faith emerged in the form of a lone statue of The Virgin Mary — untouched by the relentless flames of southern California’s wildfires — her resilience amid the smoldering ruins leading them to sing in praise.
“It was remarkable how everything had gotten fried, but the statue of The Virgin Mary and another statue of Saint Joseph were in perfect condition,” Peter Halpin, the family patriarch, told ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ on Sunday.
The National Catholic Register also reported the now viral spontaneous Regina Caeli raised in heavenly harmony by the Halpin family as shared on YouTube by Kristin Halpin.
“I was thinking, ‘I want to be strong for my folks in this moment’— for my parents. And when we started singing, it felt like we were all being strong for each other. I already feel so much healing because we were able to be there together as a family, and we were able to bond over this song that means so much to our family…We have to give everything to God. And if that means our home at this time, we choose to trust that we’re in the palm of his hand.” – Andrew Halpin (National Catholic Register, Aleteia)
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised. (Job 1:21)
Procession of Honor
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has honored Our Lady of Guadalupe since 1931 in an annual procession which is considered the oldest religious procession in the Archdiocese. The December 1, 2024 procession, themed Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the Eucharist, was attended by thousands of participants just weeks before the wildfires began.
Today’s procession gives us the opportunity to think about the journey of our Christian life. Our lives are a pilgrimage through this world. We are on a journey towards Our Father’s home – the kingdom of heaven. – Archbishop Gomez – Homily from 2024 Mass in Honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe
It’s no wonder that our Mother would leave her children this tangible sign of her love in the midst of such incomprehensible human suffering.
Beacon of Hope
The fire in Los Angeles has destroyed so many homes and businesses, causing unimaginable physical and mental damage. However, among all the ashes a beacon of hope remained: a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Joseph belonging to the Halpin family. – Cerith Gardiner, Aleteia
Mary is our Beacon of Hope in whom and through whom the Flame of Love – Jesus Himself – burns brightly to pierce the darkness of calamity.
When your heart is lightless with the smoke and ash of war, discord, distress, despair, illness, addiction, poverty, hunger, or natural disaster, there is Mary.
When your vessel is tossed and threatened by the relentless waves of the world, the flesh and the devil, and any reason for hope seems far beyond your sight, there is Mary, our Stella Maris – our North Star – to guide us through the storms of life to the refuge of Her Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)
Supernatural Hope
It was days before the start of the wildfires on January 7th that I was profoundly struck by this December 22nd reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent:
Jesus never arrives too late. He only demands greater faith…to teach us that supernatural hope remains, like a solid foundation, amid the ruins of human hope, and all we need is unlimited trust in Him, who can do anything He wills at any moment. – In Conversation With God, Fourth Sunday of Advent, Fr. Francisco Fernández Carvajal
I believe; help my unbelief! (Mark 9:24)
Pilgrims and Vessels of Hope

Like Mary, we are called to set out in haste as pilgrims of hope to be vessels of hope, comfort, compassion, and consolation. We must emulate Mary as a beacon of the Way, the Truth, and the Life bringing the great Light of Christ to those who walk in darkness. (Isaiah 9:2)
As set forth in the Decree on the Granting of Indulgence during the Ordinary Jubilee Year 2025 called by His Holiness Pope Francis:
In a special way “during the Holy Year, we are called to be tangible signs of hope for those of our brothers and sisters who experience hardships of any kind” (Spes non confundit, 10). Therefore, the Indulgence is also linked to certain works of mercy and penance, which bear witness to the conversion undertaken. The faithful, following the example and mandate of Christ, are encouraged to carry out works of charity or mercy more frequently, especially in the service of those brothers and sisters who are burdened by various needs. More especially, they should rediscover these “corporal works of mercy: to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, welcome the stranger, heal the sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the dead ” (Misericordiae vultus, 15) and rediscover also “the spiritual works of mercy: to counsel the doubtful, instruct the ignorant, admonish sinners, comfort the afflicted, forgive offences, bear patiently those who do us ill, and pray for the living and the dead” (ibid.).
SPES NON CONFUNDIT. “Hope does not disappoint” (Rom 5:5)
Like the Halpin family, with and through Mary, we must be witnesses – tangible signs – of Christian hope amid the ashes.
© 2025 Brian Kravec
Brian is a cradle Catholic, husband and father. He’s a writer, speaker, and the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Possibility Productions, a 501(c)(3) faith event evangelization apostolate in service of the Body of Christ.
4 Responses
“Hope” is the “fragrance of the Holy Spirit” in the air right now and that fragrance wafted around me as I read your latest blog! You “nailed it” Brian! In your words and your images that are “Truth” – No – our Lady’s statue didn’t burn and the Tilma in Guadalupe hasn’t been touched either by fire or any of the elements. You brought out Brian that it is our “faith” in God and His Mother that should never be touched by the chaos around us – but only “love” that moves us to reach out to our sisters and brothers in “love” and be witnesses of the hands and feet of Christ. . .and the “heart” of the Blessed Mother. Beautiful beautiful words – thank you so much and God Bless you for listening to see! LET US ALL SET OUT WITH GREAT CHARITY!!!!
Thank you, my dear sister-in-Christ! SPREAD THE HOPE!
Thank you for this beautiful blog. Our hope and trust in Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother will always light our paths to bring love and mercy to others.
YES! Beautifully stated! Thank you and God bless you and all those you serve along the narrow road!