Whatever you ask from her, she will obtain for you. – Pope Gregory XVI
St. Philomena, the radiant daughter of a fourth century Grecian prince, vowed her virginity to God at the age of eleven. Rather than betray her sacred vow and give herself in marriage to the evil emperor, Diocletian, Philomena willingly endured unimaginable torture and was martyred for love of Christ, her Spouse, at the tender age of thirteen.
Centuries Unknown
The Great Wonder-Worker, as so declared by Pope Gregory XVI, laid silently unknown for nearly seventeen centuries until her tomb was discovered in 1802 in the ancient catacombs of St. Priscilla in Rome. Among the archeological treasures were the remains of the adolescent saint and a vial of dry blood. The words PAX TECUM FILUMENA were inscribed on three terracotta slabs which translates to Peace Be With You, Philomena. Symbols of a lily, arrows, anchor, and a palm, identified her as an early Roman virgin martyr.
The sacred remains of Saint Philomena rest at the international shrine, the Sanctuary of St. Philomena, in Mugnano, Italy, as they have since August 10, 1805.
Miracle of Miracles
Saint Philomena, made illustrious by the most splendid miracles, pray for us.
In 1835, Pauline-Marie Jaricot, of Lyon, France, was dying from a serious heart disease. With only a short time to live, she was encouraged by St. John Vianney, a dear friend of the Jaricot family since her childhood, to make a pilgrimage of faith to the tomb of St. Philomena in Mugnano. The miraculous healing of Blessed Pauline-Marie Jaricot is known as “the great miracle of Mugnano.” It was Pope Gregory XVI who personally witnessed and confirmed Pauline’s miraculous healing and recovery.
Only 35 years after the discovery of her relics, due primarily to the history of the countless miracles received at her tomb in Mugnano, Pope Gregory XVI declared Philomena a Saint in 1837.
Upon her return from Mugnano, Pauline would offer a small relic of St. Philomena to St. John Vianney. The Curé of Ars would also be brought back from the threshold of death through the intercession of St. Philomena. He composed the Litany to St. Philomena, attributed all miracles in Ars to her intercession, and was the greatest devotee and promoter of devotion to the “Little Saint” in all of France.
I have never asked for anything through the intercession of my Little Saint without having been answered. – St. John Vianney
St. Pious X said that “the greatest evidence of the truth of St. Philomena is St. John Vianney.”
Miracles attributed to the intercession of St. Philomena abound to this day.
Her Life Revealed
We would know nothing of the life of St. Philomena without God permitting her to share astonishing historical accounts of her life with three mystics who were completely unknown to each other. These private revelations were received only after the discovery of her relics.
The most well known narrative of St. Philomena’s life was revealed to Mother Maria Luisa di Gesù, a Dominican Tertiary Nun, in 1833. When praying before a statue of St. Philomena, Mother Luisa asked her to reveal the true date of her martyrdom.
Dear Sister, August 10th was the day of my rest, my triumph, my birth into Heaven, my entering into the possession of such eternal goods as the human mind cannot possibly imagine. – St. Philomena to Mother Maria Luisa di Gesù, August 3rd, 1833
Following this revelation, Mother Luisa’s confessor and director requested that Mother ask St. Philomena to tell us more about her life. Click here to read the most extraordinarily detailed story of St. Philomena’s life from birth to her glorious entrance into heaven as revealed to Sister Luisa by the Saint herself.
St. Philomena Speaks Today
Dear brothers and sisters, you must be joyful during this time. Whenever you are tempted
toward despair, you must think of heaven and how Jesus is making the earth like heaven by
allowing this cleansing. – St. Philomena to Anne, a lay apostle
The Volumes, as published by Direction for Our Times contain private revelation given to the world through Kathryn Ann Clarke, also known as Anne, a lay apostle. Rev. Leo O’Reilly, Bishop of the Diocese of Kilmore, Ireland, has granted Anne’s writings an imprimatur and granted the Apostolate of the Returning King the canonical status of a Private Association of the Faithful with Juridical Personality.
Similar to the private revelations of her life to mystics of the nineteenth century, it would seem that St. Philomena has been summoned to speak to the world once again and that God has willed she do so through Anne, a lay apostle.
My friends, your world is asleep at this time and many doubt God’s presence in the world. I would advise you all to remain alert. You will be glad that you did. – St. Philomena to Anne, a lay apostle
This message was given by St. Philomena to Anne July 8, 2004. In God’s omniscience, the Wonder-Worker of the nineteenth century speaks as the “Daughter of Light” in our present time when darkness pervades the earth casting clouds of doubt, confusion, division and crisis of faith over humanity and the Church.
Stay the course. Love Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Persevere in prayer. Pray the Holy Rosary. Pray for our shepherds. Remain alert and steadfast in faith.
…you see, the enemy cannot win and God will turn everything to the good. – St. Philomena to Anne, a lay apostle
Volume 7, pp. 13-14
Dear brothers and sisters, you must be joyful during this time. Whenever you are tempted toward despair, you must think of heaven and how Jesus is making the earth like heaven by allowing this cleansing. Jesus is reclaiming the earth. That is a wonderful thing and will ensure that your children’s children will not have to contend with the darkness of sin that surrounds your children. It would please Jesus if you would be thankful to Him, despite any circumstances.
A saint conducts herself this way and finds that she is joyful regardless of any and all hardships. Dear friends of heaven, the enemy will not prevail. You know this because you have been told this. At the end of this time, Jesus will return and the earth will be beautiful again. Before that, there will be a time when it will appear that the enemy has taken control of the world. The darkness of sin will reign and our beloved Church will suffer even more.
Followers will face grave and constant attacks for their faith in many areas of the world. They will persevere and set the most beautiful example for others. This will draw others back to the faith in great numbers, so you see, the enemy’s strategy will backfire. The more God’s enemies persecute His children, the more children will choose God and remain true. It has always been this way, sadly.
God’s children should serve Him faithfully in good times also, but many do not. Many become worldly when the times are easy. Be brave. Your courage will come from heaven and inspire many. We teach you how to prepare and those who take our advice will find that they are calm and able to lead. Heaven will call upon many to lead because during the worst of the troubles, holy souls will be cut off from each other. Leaders will spring up in every area to help holy souls to remain steadfast.
How beautiful are these times when viewed from our perspective. My dear friends, read about our lives. Many saints in heaven faced the greatest of persecutions on earth. We never relied upon ourselves and in that way we became invincible. You will too.
The earth will quake during this time and heaven’s responses will be apparent to all, giving the faithful great hope. The enemy’s actions will be met with heavenly retribution.
This also will convince many that God is preparing to return and will also bring many back to God. So you see, the enemy cannot win and God will turn everything to the good. It is important that you are aware of the coming events so you will be confident and prepared. My friends, your world is asleep at this time and many doubt God’s presence in the world. I would advise you all to remain alert. You will be glad that you did.
© 2023 Brian Kravec
Brian is a cradle Catholic, husband and father. He’s a writer, speaker, and the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Possibility Productions, a 501(c)(3) faith event evangelization apostolate in service of the Body of Christ.
9 Responses
thank you for sharing this message. I have been part of this apostolate since 2008 and we share the words to prepare us. God bless…
Thank you, Trish and God bless you! St. Philomena, whose name is glorified in Heaven and feared in Hell, pray for us.
Enjoyed learning about St. Philomena; thank you Brian for raising awareness. Agree with your message of staying alert; history has a way of repeating itself – as you mentioned “it has always been this way”.
Thank you, Robert! God bless you and Tara!
Also like to add my thanks. To have just a small bit of her faith and courage would be a blessing. Hard to imagine what she suffered for love of Jesus, an inspiration to all of us.
Please pray that my neighbor, Rachael, will finally conceive a child. Thank you.
Beautiful…thank you so much . enjoye reading and so concise and and much revealed, not just a touch . dear saint, bless us all. JMJ +
A Great Saint ! Saint Philomena rose empurpled by thy own blood Pray for us.
Thank you, Joseph! Amen!