Catholic Blogs

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“Signs” of His Sacred Love

“Signs of His Sacred Love!”

What does that title mean? And who is “He?” 

Well, that “He” can only be the “One!”

The “One” who came to redeem us from our sins by dying on the Cross and obtain for us “life everlasting.”

And more than that. . .

To enjoy “His Sacred Love” eternally!



My last blog was about “visitations”. . .and so this current posting can be classified as a follow up and an undeniable concrete sign that Jesus Christ hears our prayers and most certainly answers them.

This is a story of a “surprise,” a “visitation of the heart” – a loving one at most – one that will leave your soul breathless and give you hope in your pleas to receive a sign when crying out to Heaven.  

And so let us begin our journey together knowing that we are being spoken to, knowing that we are being given a most beautiful sign during this month of the Sacred Heart – even through the soul of another.


Meet Maria

Maria is definitely not your typical 17 year old!  She is way more mature and wise than most 17 year olds we might be acquainted with.  She is the oldest of five siblings and is given way more responsibilities than most adults in her situation.

I came to meet her precious soul almost five years ago and since then we have become “friends of the heart” sharing our deepest thoughts and reflections with each other.

Maria was raised in a holy and Catholic family and is faithful in fulfilling what the Lord calls her to.  And of course, at times, this can be difficult.

Lately, her family has been going through some challenging situations and prayer is definitely the only concrete way to sustain them all.

Doesn’t Jesus tell us that “He is the Way, the Truth and the Life?”  He truly is the roadmap that we are to follow! “Hand in hand” – we walk with Him in our joys and in our sorrows. We know He is walking the walk with us and we are not alone.  In the following paragraphs of this blog, I will give you proof of those words with the sharing of Maria’s experience.  Maria certainly knew “her hand was in His” by the manifestation of His “great gift.”

Maria’s Confirmation

For those who may not be familiar with the Sacrament of Confirmation it is a Sacrament through which we receive the Holy Spirit to make us strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ.  This Sacrament is administered by the Bishop who extends his hands over those who are to be confirmed, prays that they may receive the Holy Spirit, and anoints the forehead of each with Holy Chrism in the form of a Cross.

Maria received her confirmation in the year 2020 on August 19th.  That day is the Feast Day of St. John Eudes. He was instrumental in encouraging devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Holy Heart of Mary, writing the first book ever on the devotion to the Sacred Hearts, “Le Coeur Admirable de la Très Sainte Mère de Dieu”. He died at Caen, on August 19th, 1680.  

Maria was confirmed on his Feast Day –  and so nothing, nothing happens by coincidence!  It was a great “blessing of her soul.”

A Retreat Night

Prior to the Confirmation Day – Maria and the other confirmands were given a retreat night to pray for the upcoming Sacrament they were to receive.

They were given instructions by the director to “imagine themselves at a certain location.”  It could have been anywhere.  Maria would imagine her spot at the “beach.”

The director then guided them into a meditation asking the students to see Jesus before their very eyes.  They were all told that “Jesus would gift them with something.”

It would be special and each gift would be personal to each young adult attending the retreat.

Maria imagined that her gift was a “pearl and shell necklace.”  

That “Gift of Jesus” was treasured in her soul and not divulged to another soul until last week.

The Cry of the Heart

On Thursday, May 30, 2024!  I found myself in conversation with Maria discussing the day’s events and the challenging times she was finding herself immersed in as a 17 year old. She shared with me that she had asked Jesus for a “sign” that He was hearing her heartfelt prayers and petitions.

We all can understand the “Cry of the Heart!”  

“Jesus are you out there?” 

“Are you watching me?  

Most importantly, “Are you hearing me?

Friday, May 31, 2024 – Feast of the Visitation

I found myself thinking of Maria that morning as I dressed for Mass.  Then for some “unexplained reason” at that moment, I was “driven” to put together a gift for her.  

I found a “black velvet ring box” and then looked for a little white shell.

I then went on a “pearl hunt” in my jewelry drawer finding beautiful pearls that my mother-in-law Rose had gifted me with many years ago. 

I carefully cut one of the pearls off from the rest of the strand.  I then glued the pearl in the center of the shell and then glued the shell into the black velvet ring box.

I had not a clue as to why I was doing what I was doing, but only could think of Maria as a “pearl” and that she knew enough to go make a “visitation” with the Lord and ask for His help.

So with ring box in tow on the “Feast of the Visitation,” I would go to Mass bringing along my treasure for Maria and giving it to her Grandfather.  

As he quizzically looked at the ring box and the contents – I got the feeling he was puzzled by this gift. Seeing the look on his face, I responded with words that just seemed to flow out from my mouth – “Maria, will understand what it is!”  I knew clearly that I did not!

I tell you I had no understanding whatsoever. I just felt like a puppet with strings being moved from above on the stage of life.

The Revelation Shared

I had texted Maria afterwards to let her know she would be receiving a surprise and to let me know when she received it.

We were able to speak later on in the day and I was totally blown away as she explained her retreat night 4 years ago and what Jesus had “gifted” her with. . .a “Shell and Pearl Necklace.”

Here it was 4 years later!  Jesus would be called upon to give a sign to Maria and did He ever respond!  His great love for each and every one of us is so far beyond our understanding.  How He Loves Us!

He is the Pearl of Great Price

Let us read together the following from Mark’s Gospel – Chapter 13:44-46:

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field which someone has found; he hides it again, goes off happy, sells everything he owns and buys the field.

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls; when he finds one of great value he goes and sells everything he owns and buys it.

Maria saw before she was confirmed into the Catholic faith just how important a “fine pearl” is in the “Eyes of the Lord.”  Jesus gifted her with not only “one” but with “two” precious pearls.  Sometimes we do not have to dig very deep when our faith is strong, trusting and childlike.  His gaze is ever upon us waiting for our love and attention to be on the “Field of His Most Sacred Heart.”  Maria had found that “field” and received “treasure” in her simple prayer of asking – “Lord do you hear me?  Can you give me a sign?”

Talk to Him

We are presently in the month of June which is dedicated to the Sacred Heart. Jesus tells us that this is “His Month!”

Through Maria’s beautiful sharing, He is telling us that “He hears us!”

Don’t let this month go by without having a “Visitation” with Him!  Talk to Him!

Listen to what He tells Gabrielle Bossis in the book, “He and I.”

April 1, 1938 – Montmartre, Friday

Be My happy little friend.  

Speak to Me, as it were, with smiles.

So many people look upon Me as an executioner 

or an inexorable judge.

My heart wants to be your gentle friend.

What would I not do for those who really want to give themselves 

to Me 

in confident


childlike surrender!”

 “Talk to Me. Talk to Me.”


Give yourself to Jesus in Confident and Childlike Surrender

Maria cried out for a sign – and He gave Her a Sign of His Sacred Love

A Pearl of Great Price


©2024 Anita Guariglia

Featured Image and Other Pictures/ Pinterest and Instagram

Quoted Scripture from The Jerusalem Bible

Passage from “He and I” – Gabrielle Bossis


9 Responses

    1. Oh yes….He loves each and every one of us so dearly. It is HIS MONTH. His Sacred Heart that calls to every heart He created.
      God Bless You!

  1. Anita, what a beautiful journey manifested in Maria’s longing for the power of God’s presence in our lives. He truly is within our reach, miracles happen every day.

  2. Anita, Your docility to the Holy Spirit bears beautiful fruit! “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa

    1. Brian – thank you for your comment and praying that we all remain very docile during these turbulent times to listen to that small whisper!
      God Bless You, Anita

  3. That morning was more like a “basic training drill” – get moving with that ring box and be My Messenger to my child whom I love greatly. Yes Sir!
    Let it be done unto me according to Your Will – May we all follow that Gentle Drill Sergeant! God Bless You and Your Family!

    1. Thank you for your very kind comments and continue to visit Queen of Peace Media to fill your soul with many graces.
      May God Bless You Abundantly!

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