“Isn’t this the carpenter?”
These four words are taken from Holy Scripture in the Gospel of Mark 6:3. At that time, Jesus was going from district to district with his disciples accompanying him. With the coming of the sabbath, He began teaching in the synagogue and many present were astonished when they heard Him speak.
They were astonished at his wisdom and instruction and questioned. . .“is he not the son of the carpenter?”
The Carpenter
This morning a dear friend and myself were having a little “prayer meeting” over the phone. We touched upon many subjects within the course of the conversation but the main thrust was about St. Joseph. Before we hung up, I turned to a devotional book posted by dates for morning and evening prayers. Even though today is not August 29th as I write this blog – I turned to that particular page. “Isn’t this the carpenter?” were words that I would read aloud to Lana. We had just been speaking about St. Joseph.
With Labor Day fast approaching this weekend and a change of months on Sunday, it seemed timely this was Divine Providence that I post this blog.
We honor St. Joseph always on May 1st under the title of “St. Joseph the Worker” and rightly so as we shall see.
Before I proceed, though, I would like to point your attention to the “featured image” of this blog. Usually, we see images of St. Joseph looking frail and elderly! In this picture, the “carpenter” is mighty and strong teaching the Child Jesus. And that is exactly why I am writing about him tonight. In the coming days, St. Joseph is not only going to guide us and protect us but “lead us on” safely to where we need to be. We need just go to “Joseph – the Carpenter.”
Lead Us On
Pope Leo XIII – the same Pope who composed the St. Michael Prayer for Protection wrote the following of St. Joseph:
“Joseph guarded from death the Child threatened by a monarch’s jealousy, and found for Him a refuge; in the miseries of the journey and in the bitterness of exile he was always the companion, the assistance, and the upholder of the Virgin and of Jesus.”
The “carpenter” will find for us also a refuge and be our “guide” for the miseries of our own journey through a topsy turvy world right now. Look at the above image. Here St. Joseph is “resolute!” See how he grips the Child Jesus in his arms. Whatever we are facing in future days will be nothing to fear if we are being “gripped,” too, by “his mighty arms!”
The Litany of St. Joseph
I won’t list all the attributes of St. Joseph in his Litany but I will mention a few that are noteworthy for our present times!
Wouldn’t we want to call upon him now for help?
“Joseph, Most Obedient – Joseph, Most Faithful – Joseph, Most Strong”
“Hope of the Sick”
“Patron of the Dying”
“Protector of the Holy Church”
“Terror of Demons”
The Holy Cloak Novena
Here is a beautiful way we can call upon “St. Joseph” in just three days time. We can begin this coming Sunday, September 1st and pray through the next 30 days ending on September 30th with the Novena of the Holy Cloak. It’s a particular and special way to merit the patronage of this great Saint while also rendering honor to him.
It is to be recited on thirty consecutive days in memory of the thirty years that St. Joseph spent in the company of Jesus Christ, Son of God. If for some reason you cannot recite the prayer on a particular day, you may make up for it by reciting it on the 30th day as many times as the recitation was missed.
The extraordinary graces obtained by this prayer are innumerable.
Testaments and Miracles
You can find many “testaments” to the power of this novena and the miracles wrought by this 30 day prayer on the internet.
Twenty members of the Florida Flame of Love cenacle in 2021 began this 30 day novena even creating their own holy cloaks or prayer shawls and adorning them with holy reminders of the Holy Family. St. Joseph rewarded them greatly for their prayers. Prayer petitions were stated aloud at the beginning of the novena and then at the end. . .when shared with each other – this happened!!!!
“At a minimum 12 miracles had taken place!”
Our Lord and Our Lady invite us to love and honor and pray to St. Joseph – listen to the words of both of them to St. Margaret and the Venerable Mary of Agreda:
Jesus himself said to St. Margaret, “I wish that every day you offer special prayers to My Mother and St. Joseph, My most sweet guardian.”
The Blessed Mother said to Venerable Mary of Agreda –
“You must see to it that you continually increase your love and devotion to this great Saint.
In all your necessities, you must avail yourself of his protection,
under all circumstances you must encourage as many people as possible toward this devotion . . .
for indeed, whatever my devoted spouse requests in Heaven,
the Almighty God will grant on Earth.”
Go to the Carpenter
He’s waiting to hear from you! He wants to guide you, protect you, comfort you and hear your petitions. He’s a good, good Father to all of us – not only to Jesus. God the Father chose him to be Foster Father for His Only Begotten Son. What an honor! And we have access to this heart and his intercession. Blessings upon you all – may all your prayers be heard and answered!
Here’s a link to receive the “miraculous” –
©2024 Anita Guariglia
Scripture taken from Jerusalem Bible – Mark 6:3
Featured Image and all images – Pinterest/Instagram
Holy Cloak Novena – Catholic Tradition
Flame of Love/ Miracles Wrought Through St. Joseph’s Holy Cloak Novena
Mary’s Mantle – 9/24/21
6 Responses
Thank you for pointing us to St. Joseph for his protection and direction in this crucial time for our country and the whole world. I will pray this novena for truth to be known and for those in this nation who are being blinded and deafened by the evil one to open their eyes and ears to God’s truth.
Thank you so much for giving us a “petition” for St. Joseph for 30 days in such forceful and truthful words. May all respond as you did so beautifully.
God Bless You!
Thank you for this fantastic article. Your insights are very valuable, and the way you presented the information made it easy to follow. I appreciate the effort you put into researching and writing this. It’s a great resource for anyone looking to learn more about this subject.
Thank you and God Bless You!
Yes….try it right away. . .there is no time frame! Just an open heart and a “yes” to St. Joseph!
Blessings on your journey with Him!
Yes….No date set to begin this Novena….start when your soul says “Yes”….
May St. Joseph bless you and your family!