Great Catholic Books

Has your sense of security been shattered amidst the chaos of our current times? Winning the Battle for Your Soul will help you find solid ground and clarity of purpose.

In this riveting collection of true stories, Catholic speaker and spiritual director Christine Watkins inspires readers with stories of conversion and healing linked to Mary’s apparitions at Medjugorje.

In this seemingly loveless world of ours, we might wonder if true love is attainable. Is it real, or is it perhaps a dancing illusion captured on Hollywood screens? And if this love dares to exist, does it satisfy as the poets say, or fade in our hearing like a passing whisper? The souls are few who have discovered these answers, and one of them is Nicolina, a feisty, flirtatious girl who fell in love with the most romantic man in all of post-war Germany.
In this remarkable Spiritual Diary, you follow the life and divine conversations of one of the greatest mystics of the 20th century, learn of the prayers and weekly prayer schedule that effectively blind Satan, and of the divine promises Our Lord wishes to give to us through the intercession of His Mother’s Immaculate Heart.
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