Great Catholic Books

“The Door of Faith is a modern and compelling illumination of eternal truth. It is a great help to educators, to believers who seek to understand the Catholic faith, and to all people of good will.”
His Eminence Cardinal, Doctor Péter Erdő
Archbishop of Budapest, Primate of Hungary
"Those who wear [the Miraculous Medal] will receive great graces."
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
“Every so often a book falls into one’s hands that is particularly powerful in unveiling the mystery and power of God’s purpose for his Church today, and this is one such. If you are wondering whether or not you should take the time to read it, let me strongly encourage you to do so.“
Bishop Gavin Ashenden
Bishop Gavin Ashenden
Chaplain to the Queen of England (2008-2017)
"This book should be widely disseminated, all for God’s glory and in honor of the Mother of God, for all of us and the holiness of Christ’s disciples.”
Archbishop Ramon C. Arguelles
Archbishop-Emeritus of Lipa

Has your sense of security been shattered amidst the chaos of our current times? Winning the Battle for Your Soul will help you find solid ground and clarity of purpose.

“This book is an authentic jewel of God!”
María Vallejo-Nájera
Internationally Renowned Author
"Are you ready to ready one of the most powerful conversion stories ever written? Seriously, are you? I couldn’t put this book down!"
Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC
"OF MEN AND MARY is superb. The six life testimonies contained within it are miraculous, heroic, and truly inspiring.”
Exorcist Fr. Gary Thomas
Exorcist Fr. Gary Thomas
Subject of the Movie, “The Rite”
“One of the great consolations of being Catholic is knowing that the Mother of our Lord is our Mother, too. MARY’S MANTLE CONSECRATION deepens one’s personal life of virtue, unites people in prayer, and sanctifies daily life, thus making us more like her Son and so bringing joy to her motherly heart. I am grateful to Christine Watkins for making this disarmingly simple practice, which first grew in the fertile soil of Mexican piety, available to the English-speaking world.”
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone
San Fransisco, CA
“Mary’s Mantle Consecration is a special means of responding to the call to holiness, which must be the heart and life of every disciple of Christ. It leads us along a journey of prayer with reflections on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Virtues necessary for strengthening our spiritual life, and concludes with a Consecration to Mary, the Model of Holiness. I recommend it for individuals, spouses, families, and parishes as a valuable answer to the call to the New Evangelization. Our Lady of Guadalupe, the ‘Star of the New Evangelization,’ will assist all who seek the road to heaven.”
Bishop Myron J. Cotta
Stockton, CA

In this riveting collection of true stories, Catholic speaker and spiritual director Christine Watkins inspires readers with stories of conversion and healing linked to Mary’s apparitions at Medjugorje.

"Direct, honest, heart-rending, and miraculous."
Wayne Weible
Author of Medjugorje: The Message

In this seemingly loveless world of ours, we might wonder if true love is attainable. Is it real, or is it perhaps a dancing illusion captured on Hollywood screens? And if this love dares to exist, does it satisfy as the poets say, or fade in our hearing like a passing whisper? The souls are few who have discovered these answers, and one of them is Nicolina, a feisty, flirtatious girl who fell in love with the most romantic man in all of post-war Germany.

In this remarkable Spiritual Diary, you follow the life and divine conversations of one of the greatest mystics of the 20th century, learn of the prayers and weekly prayer schedule that effectively blind Satan, and of the divine promises Our Lord wishes to give to us through the intercession of His Mother’s Immaculate Heart.

Libros en Español

“De vez en cuando suele caer en nuestras manos un libro particularmente poderoso para revelar el misterio y el poder del proyecto de Dios para su Iglesia de hoy, y éste, es sin duda uno de ellos. Si te preguntas si debes o no tomarte el tiempo para leerlo, permíteme recomendarte vivamente que lo hagas”.
Bishop Gavin Ashenden
Obispo Gavin Ashenden
Capellán de la Reina de Inglaterra (2008-2017)
"Este testimonio desgarrador de Patricia Sandoval, tocará muchas almas, unas adoloridas y otras confundidas. . . Estoy tan agradecido a Patricia por su valor y su entrego. Que esa Luz siga iluminando sus pasos y fortaleciendo su espíritu".
Mexico City
"HOMBRES JUNTO A MARÍA es magnífico. Los seis testimonios incluidos en esta obra son milagrosos, heroicos y verdaderamente inspiradores”.
Exorcist Fr. Gary Thomas
Exorcista P. Gary Thomas
Quien Inspira al Personaje de la Película, “El Rito”
“Uno de los grandes consuelos de ser católico es saber que la Madre de Nuestro Señor es también nuestra Madre. El Manto de María, profundiza la vida personal en la virtud, une a la gente en la oración y santifica la vida diaria, haciéndonos así, más parecidos a su Hijo y trayendo así la alegría a su corazón maternal. Estoy agradecido a Christine Watkins por poner a disposición del mundo de habla—inglesa esta práctica tan sencilla, que creció por primera vez en el suelo fértil de la piedad mexicana”.
Arzobispo Salvatore Cordileone
San Francisco, CA
“El Manto de María“es un medio especial para responder a la llamada a la santidad, que debe ser el corazón y la vida de cada discípulo de Cristo. Lo recomiendo para todo tipo de personas, esposos, familias y parroquias como una valiosa respuesta al llamado de la Nueva Evangelización. Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, la “Estrella de la Nueva Evangelización” asistirá a todos los que buscan el camino al cielo”.
Obispo Myron J. Cotta
Stockton, CA