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Marie-Julie Jahenny, who received the approval of her bishop, Monseigneur Fournier, was a French mystic, chosen by the Lord to spread the love of the Cross, to suffer and make sacrifices for the salvation of sinners, to prepare the world for the prophesied chastisements, and to announce the miraculous restoration of the glory of Christendom.
Jesus said to her, “My little beloved friends, you will bear on yourselves My adorable cross that will preserve you from all sorts of evil, big or small, and later I shall bless them.
– Firstly, they will carry the name of ‘Cross of Pardon.’
– Secondly, they will carry the name of ‘Cross of Salvation.’
– Thirdly, they will carry the name of ‘Cross of Holy Protection.’
– Fourthly, they will carry the name of ‘Cross that Calms Plagues.’
– Fifthly, they will carry the prayer: ‘O God, Crucified Savior, set me ablaze with love, faith, and courage for the salvation of my brethren.’”
These are the words, in French, engraved on the front and the back of THE CROSS OF FORGIVENESS. Our Lord wished to help us prepare for the time of chastisements, and to provide a means of offering His forgiveness when death may be imminent due to a “burning plague” or when a priest may not available, due to persecution, for the Sacraments of Confession or the Anointing of the Sick. He stated: “My little children, all souls that suffer and those sifted out by the blight, all those who will kiss it will have My forgiveness—all those who will touch it will have My forgiveness. The expiation will be long, but one day Heaven will be theirs, Heaven will be opened. I have warned you beforehand, My little beloved friends, so that you are not surprised, so that you have the time to inform your loved ones and families.”
If you are interested in more sacred jewelry, Queen of Peace Media recommends Fount of Grace because of the beauty, high quality, and prayer that goes into each piece. Queen of Peace Media makes no profit from this heartfelt endorsement. To see their website, click on the picture below: