I have been inspired this day to write this blog and name it “Now is the Time.”
Why is today the “time” you might ask? Well, from today – April 10th to Pentecost Sunday – May 19th – it is exactly 40 days!
Did I know this today when I woke up this morning? I did not! However, an invitation was received and is being mailed out to all via the internet!
We have 40 days to do it……
How will we prepare?
Well, let’s first delve into reading the Annunciation scripture below and see how the Blessed Mother prepared Her own heart to receive Jesus and to know His Holy Will.
The Annunciation
In the sixth month the Angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the House of David; and the Virgin’s name was Mary. He went in and said to her, “Rejoice, so highly favored! The Lord is with you.” She was deeply disturbed by these words and asked herself what this greeting could mean, but the angel said to her, “Mary, do not be afraid, you have won God’s favor.”
Listen! You are to conceive and bear a son, and you must name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David; he will rule over the House of Jacob for ever and his reign will have no end.
Mary, said to the angel, “But how can this come about, since I am a virgin?”
The Holy Spirit will cover you with its shadow. And so the child will be holy and will be called Son of God. Know this too: your kinswoman Elizabeth has, in her old age, herself conceived a son, and she whom people called barren is now in her sixth month, for nothing is impossible to God.”
“I am the handmaid of the Lord,” said Mary, “let what you have said be done to me.”
And the Angel left her.
The Announcement
The Annunciation of the Lord was a “great announcement” to the soul of the Blessed Virgin Mary wasn’t it? And at the same time, it was a “troubling” moment for Her when She pondered and expressed to the Angel Gabriel – “how can this be?”
Listen! the Angel Gabriel tells the Blessed Virgin…..and so She “listens” intently to what is being told to Her.
“For Nothing is Impossible with God”
A Beam of Light
On Monday, April 8th at 3:00 pm – a Mass was concelebrated here in my home with three wonderful and holy priests. We were celebrating “The Annunciation” with our prayer group – Dare Alla Luce – which means “Give to the Light” or “Give Birth To.”
It wasn’t a coincidence that an eclipse was happening at that same time causing many people to think we would go into a darkness of one sort or another. I kept thinking to myself – we are in the light! We have been named as a prayer group “Dare Alla Luce!” No darkness for us as we stay grounded at this “Table of Plenty – This Table of Light!”
I had just listened to my pastor on Divine Mercy Sunday speaking about all the “talk of the eclipse” during his homily. He counseled his parishioners to experience instead an “eclipse of love for God.” Yes, those were beautiful words of wisdom to follow – just “Love” our God as He loves us!
Looking for a picture just now to post with this particular passage of my blog – I find the one above. Honestly, I am always in awe of God’s surprises!
And what a sign to us of “His Light!”
You cannot dispute the “beam of light” shooting from the window through Msgr. Michael, through Fr. Peter and reaching its’ goal of the True Body and Blood of Jesus Christ being held up by Fr. Michael. This image was taken at 3:34 p.m. The predicted time for Nassau and Suffolk counties for about 90% totality was just before 3:30 pm.
Clearly God gave us yet another announcement – look to Him always – He is truly the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Fr. Michael’s Homily
Fr. Michael would give a homily that brings us back to the 40 Day Invitation right now to Pentecost Sunday. . .“Now is the Time!”
He spoke of the events that are happening around us such as the recent earthquake and the eclipse – all natural events that happen in our world but also are signs and wonders for us.
Through the ages there have been so many announcements and always to others such as St. John the Baptist, St. Faustina, and St. Margaret Mary! The list is endless.
But what about us?
Our Personal Announcement
Fr. Michael invited us to delve deep into ourselves and ask God what it is that He wants us personally to do right now! What is God asking us to repent of and to change in our lives. What signs is He giving us? What is His personal announcement to us?
Is it a habitual sin that we have not had the strength to turn away from? Is it a family relationship that can be healed? A work situation that also needs our help or change of heart? The list is endless for each one of us and is quite personalized.
All questions to ponder for sure! How will we do this during the next 40 days that lead us up to Pentecost Sunday and the days following.
We need help for sure . . .
In Her Loving Arms
Very simply – Be “In Her Loving Arms!”
After our Mass on Monday, April 8th – the Feast of the Annunciation and celebration thereafter – a few of us were just sitting in the living room discussing the day’s events and blessings.
Maura, one of those present, alerted me to the fact that she spotted a package that had been delivered and was waiting on my front porch to be taken in.
At first I was wondering what it was but then I remembered that just the week before I had ordered a vintage statue of the Blessed Mother and I wondered if this possibly could be it.
And it certainly was! Delivered on the Feast of the Annunciation. . .which could never have been arranged if I had tried….and such a sign and wonder for us all.
I was so drawn to this statue when I first saw it because Baby Jesus could be removed from the Blessed Mother’s arms much as He is separate from the mangers in the Nativity creches. I loved the fact that you could hold Him as you prayed and you, too, could also be held “In Her Loving Arms.”
Look at how She cradles Her loving arms to hold you close to Her heart. That’s where Baby Jesus was cradled and even when He was taken down off the Cross – He rested His head on Her chest hearing Her heartbeats of sacrificial love.
Let Her hold us these next 40 days in a special way. Let Her help us to “listen” and then to help us understand what Her Son is announcing to each one of us personally.
Let Her help us to take “action” rather than “react” to news and events throughout the world right now. That action could very well be to take up your Rosary beads and pray and meditate upon the life of Jesus Christ. It is said that the Rosary is the Blessed Mother’s “Family Photo Album,” and She wants to share it with us.
Let Her act in our daily lives and point out the highs and lows to us when we reflect in the evening on our day’s events.
The bottom line of this blog is “BE IN HER LOVING ARMS” as Jesus was and is. . for “Now is the Time.”
And then you will know what to do and what is being asked of you!
You will understand what your personal announcement is from Our Loving God with the greatest of clarity because “She” will help you.
She’s Waiting For You!
Come Spend Time With Her!
Let Her Hold You in Her Loving Arms!
Let Her Place Baby Jesus in Your Arms!
She Can Help You Understand the Lord’s Call to You!
Now is the Time!!!
Like No Other!
©2024 Anita Guariglia
Jerusalem Bible – Luke 1:26-38
Photo Credits/ Mass Pictures/ Anita Guariglia
Featured image and others – Pinterest
and Instagram
4 Responses
Thank you, Anita! I missed the eclipse and I couldn’t be present for the Holy Mass, but your blog brought forth the true Light to me in a very powerful way! Yes, now is the time for us to give ourselves fully to Our Blessed Mother and let Her lead us to Her Son to heal and save us for NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GOD…AMEN!
Oh absolutely! For with God nothing is impossible…..Nothing, Nothing, Nothing!
God Bless You Dear Cathy and your family!
Anita, this came to me at a perfect time! Yesterday in Adoration, I thought I heard the word “suffer” but I pushed it out of my mind. Last night I got very troubling news and I asked Jesus not to ask me to accept that particular suffering. Then I said to Mother Mary “I know you know what this feels like.” Please don’t let this be my suffering. With God, all things are possible. Thanks for sending this. I know Mother Mary will help me to get through this in the next 40 days.
Oh ABSOLUTELY! You are not alone! Mother Mary has been holding you dear soul since you were born into this world!
And…you have the prayers of those who love and know you:0) God Bless You!