On Tuesday, December 20th of this week, the Gospel of Luke – Chapter 1:26-38 was announced to us by our Pastor, Fr. Tony Stanganelli, during Daily Mass. Sharing his thoughts and reflections with us during his homily, he centered around the word, “behold,” and how it just seemed to pop out for him.
It seemed to be the “word” to ponder and so we did just that as we sat in our pews listening to Fr. Tony’s homily as he pointed out the ways it was used throughout the scripture passage.
Let’s just take a look first at the definition of “behold” in Webster Dictionary. . .
Behold – to have in sight; to see clearly; to look at; to regard with eyes.
With an understanding of what “behold” actually means – let us look at the actual scripture verses as recorded in Luke’s Gospel.
Angel Gabriel and Mary
After the Angel Gabriel greets Mary with “Hail Full of Grace! The Lord is with you,” he continues on with his heavenly message from God. He tells Mary,
“Do not be afraid, for you have found favor with God.”
And then we begin to “unlock the door with the key word of behold” that brings us into the mystery of God and His promises.
“Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus.”
“And behold, Elizabeth, your relative, has also conceived a son in her old age,
and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren;
for nothing will be impossible for God.”
“Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.”
This is a side altar in our Lower Church displaying a beautiful Nativity for us to gaze upon. From afar, I found myself getting up from my pew and making my way to the kneeler in front of this lovely scene.
Dropping to my knees and just contemplating the scene before me, I was in awe. I looked at each figure represented and I felt even the animals, too, were waiting in anticipation of “His Birth and His Promises to Behold.”
They were waiting for one of my favorite pieces of scripture found in Wisdom 18:14-15 to happen.
When peaceful stillness lay over all, and the night was half spent, your almighty Word, O Lord, descended from heaven’s royal throne”
Look at the figures of the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph with hands over their hearts. What I was viewing “moved me” beyond description. It was a “stance” that I knew I should be taking now as well – for we are almost there! We are “almost there” to “behold” the great promises that Jesus will bring with Him for our own lives and our life situations that we find ourselves in. We will receive His help for “nothing is impossible with God.” We just need to be in that “stance” to “listen.”
Reverently Listening
Pope Benedict XVI speaks of that “silence” and “beholding” in his following words of wisdom:
“Let us allow ourselves to be “infected” by the silence of St. Joseph! We have much need of it in a world which is often too noisy, which does not encourage reflection and listening to the voice of God.”
When peaceful stillness lay over all. . .even in our own hearts. . .“His Almighty Word” will descend into our hearts. We will not hear the noise and distractions of whatever calls us away from the stance of reverence and anticipation during these hectic days. We will be ready to “behold” the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords who brings His Peace to a world so greatly in need of it on Christmas Day.
Every Knee Shall Bow
In Isaiah’s scripture found in Verse 45:23, we hear God’s “promise” to behold:
“By my own self I swear it;
what comes from my mouth is truth,
a word irrevocable:
before me every knee shall bend,
by me every tongue shall swear,
“From Yahweh alone comes victory and strength.”
It’s a beautiful time now. . .in these last couple of days of Advent
to go into the reverent “silence” of awaiting the Baby Jesus and His Peace!
©2022 Anita Guariglia
Photo Credits/ Instagram
Featured Image and Nativity Scene/ Anita Guariglia
Scripture taken from Jerusalem Bible and the Magnificat Prayerbook
5 Responses
An absolutely beautiful contemplation on our awaiting for the birth of the Babe…our Babe…Jesus. On my Christmas cards this year, I felt compelled to write the words of John 1:14, “And the word was made Flesh and dwelt among us.” Let us all BEHOLD Him who is born on Christmas Day and forever in our hearts!
Anita, thank you for your beautiful words!
Behold dear Debbie & George. .Behold. .He is Coming, God Bless You, Anita
I miss silence. Thank you for this holy reminder.
Silence – another key to open that door:) Blessings dear Frances, Anita
So beautiful and edifying! The passage fro Wisdom profoundly blesses my heart! Thank you, Anita!